Anna Ware Jackson School

Working Together

Working Together

Popular Links


  • Medications
    All medication including over-the-counter medications must have a doctor's order before you can give to the school nurse.

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  • Baystate Textile Recycling Fundraiser

    Please help recycle clothing, linens, shoes and other fabric based products to raise funds for the Plainville Schools. The recycle bin is located by the library drop box and KPMA bottle/can shed in the Wood parking lot. Please download the list of acceptable items for recycling. To learn more about the program, please download the flyer. Thank you for your support!

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  • Internet Safety Resources 
    Sgt Mick and his colleagues spoke to students in grades 2-6 & parents about the importance of Internet safety.  To learn more about the safety rules, please visit our Internet safety resources.
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