• Arrival and Dismissal for K-2 

    Students must arrive at school on time. They will be considered tardy if they arrive at the Wood School and the Jackson School after 8:50 a.m. A student arriving late must be accompanied by a parent or guardian or have a signed note containing the date and estimated time of arrival. A student arriving late must report to the office. Chronic absence and/or tardiness will be addressed by the school administration and if necessary, by the attendance officer.
    Students will not be dismissed during the school session without a signed note from a parent or guardian, or without permission from the Principal. No oral requests from students will be accepted. A student will not be dismissed into the custody of a person unknown to school personnel without a note from home, even if the student recognizes the person. That person will be referred to the office for identification and authorization.
    A student will not be permitted to wait for parents or others outside the school building. All students who are dismissed during the school day must be dismissed through the office and they will wait in the office until their parents arrive. At that time the parent/guardian must sign the dismissal log.  Students who travel home on buses will not be kept in the classroom after bus dismissal unless the teacher has made arrangements with the parents or guardians for other transportation for them. If a child is to be picked up after school, the parent should be prompt. If a child is not picked up within one (1) hour of their assigned dismissal time and the parent cannot be contacted, the police will be called.
    Those students who are leaving school by other than their usual manner must have a note from home advising the teacher of the change in plans. In case of emergency, the parent must notify the school office.