The five elected members of The Plainville School Committee share a commitment to providing an academically challenging and socially responsible, cost effective educational program that enables our children to fully develop their minds and bodies. The members bring to the table a diverse array of personal and professional experiences which fosters the development of creative approaches to the delivery of a highly effective educational experience for all of Plainville's children. In addition to their work on the Committee and its various sub-committees, the members are often found sharing their passions with students during the school day in the areas of music, literature, writing, science & technology, and history or taking on other volunteer roles in the schools.
The Committee encourages community participation in its efforts to fulfill its obligations to the Town and recognizes that our citizens' continual broad based support for Plainville's education program has permitted us to put into a place a highly qualified team of teachers, support staff and administrators who present our children with endless opportunities for personal and intellectual growth on a daily basis.
The School Committee on June 23, 2020 adopted the following RESOLUTIONS, which were recommended and presented by the Massachusetts Association of School Committees Board of Directors for consideration at the annual meeting: COVID-19 STATE FUNDING, ANTI-RACISM and IN SUPPORT OF INCREASED FEDERAL SUPPORT AND STIMULUS FUNDING FOR PUBLIC K-12 EDUCATION. Subsequently, the Massachusetts Association of School Committee Delegates approved the resolutions on November 7, 2020.
COVID-19 State Funding
In Support of Increased Federal Support and Stimulus Funding for Public K-12 Education
Jennifer Maloney Plante(Term expires: 2025)508-965-5208
Email: Jennifer Maloney Plante
SUB-COMMITTEESNegotiations Committee: Justin Alexander & Jennifer Maloney Plante
Budget Committee: Justin Alexander & Steve AlbertCommunications Committee: Shannan Kerrigan & Jennifer Maloney PlanteWellness Representative: Michele SharpeSick Leave Bank Representative: Jennifer Maloney PlantePolicy Committee: Shannan Kerrigan & Michele SharpeMASC Delegate Representative: Michele SharpeMASC Alternate Representative: Steve AlbertKing Philip Regional School Committee Representative: Michele SharpeSchool Attendance Officer: Ann DargonTruancy Officer: Ann DargonSchool Physician: Dr. Christopher Giuliano