• In an attempt to assist in the identification of students who may have potential special educational needs, a series of general tests are administered to all elementary age children of Plainville who attend public schools; while these screenings and tests do not constitute a special education evaluation, their results can be helpful in determining if a special education evaluation is needed/appropriate. The following is generally adhered to:


    This service is available for any Plainville child who is 2.6 years of age through 5 years on an individual request basis throughout the year. Again, if the screening does identify a special education need(s), a referral for a more extensive and formal special education evaluation will be sought; the areas to be screened will be: large muscle and fine motor coordination, language, cognitive concepts and social development. Appointments for a preschool screening can be made by calling the Office of the Administrator of Special Education at 508-699-1309.


    The screening of pupils entering kindergarten takes place in early Spring. Parents will be notified of the exact dates. No student will be allowed to attend the Plainville Public Schools Kindergarten unless he/she has turned five (5) years of age before September 1st of the year he/she enters Kindergarten.  Also, all students must have reached the age of six (6) before entering grade one.

    If a child has had difficulty with one or more of these screening tests, the parent(s)/guardian(s) will be contacted to determine whether further evaluation may be appropriate.